Under lock and key - that's the only place to be... if you're a woman who wants to avoid getting raped and killed that is. That's it - just lock up our hoo-has and throw away the key and then men won't be lured into raping and killing us in the dark of night. Because as we all know, its our fault guys commit gender based crimes against us. If only we were smart enough to lock ourselves away when the sun sets and not go out again until it's light and "safe" again outside (/snark).
I put in that closing tag to show that I was acting ridiculous rhetorically, not just acting ridiculous.
According to a report in the Guardian, Indian authorities are dodging their responsibility to keep the streets safe for everyone and are telling women to do the "smart" thing and stay indoors after dark. No late shifts for you no, no, no... forget about venturing out after the sun goes down.
And if you work late in some major US cities, the police are dodging their responsibility to keep you safe as you walk home in your Armani suit and Rolex.
If you get raped or killed it's your fault ladies. Or it's your employer's fault for allowing you to work nights in the first place.
Because it's all a big misogynist conspiracy, not a common-sense response to a lack of resources.
What a crock. Rather than clean up their streets and take gender-based violence seriously, the Indian authorities pass laws that prohibit women from working most night-shift jobs, in order to keep them where they belong at night - indoors and "safe".
I am too angry to see my own absurdity.
Make the jump - I'm not done...
If the absurdity so far has not caused you to pass out, click the blue words to change that...
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