Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ripping the Sexism Out of Our News Coverage


Because I like to shout, and shouting always makes things better... er, BETTER!!!
I know I know... it's a pretty tall order.

But as someone who has shouted on the internet for many years, I feel I can do what so many humans over the last century cannot.
One of the stated purposes of this site is to draw attention to the sexist tone used by those in the press and the media, and work to level the playing field before another woman makes a run at the White House. No one should have to endure what Hillary went through in this year's election.

Though she Shines Like Polished Gold, Our Girl lost. Obviously this was nothing but rank sexism, and no woman who runs in the future (and whom we support) should face any criticism.
Thankfully, a group of over 100 journalists down in Argentina have laid the foundation to a lot of the work ahead of us here at the Corner. The group has set out a new version of the 10 "commandments" for reporters - they're urging their colleagues to avoid using terms like "crime of passion" and to start using "femicide".

Because making up new words with the same meaning as old ones has done so much to advance our cause in the past. The "womyn's" movement will never die!
If we can change the way crimes against women are reported, then maybe we can start to make people understand that violent acts - against ANYONE - should be taken seriously.

Violent acts against men, on the other hand, are mostly just funny stuff that should go straight to Youtube.
Maybe then we can reduce or even eliminte the hateful and violent tone used regarding women in elections, and spare future candidates from the sort of nastiness Hillary experienced this year.

Like there was that time when BHO was all "I'm gonna bitch-slap yo' ass, Hills," and then he was all,... but anyways.
With the help of the Internet, I'm hoping we can encourage our own press and those in the MSM to take some of this to heart when they report on things that affect women and girls right here at home.

Please keep flooding reporters' mailboxes and bloggers' comments with copy-and-paste rants.
After all, words have power and they control so much of what's put out there. This is so cool - check it out...

I desperately hope I'm not wasting my time writing this drivel.

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