Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Umm... Where Ya Been Jake?

Good news everyone! Apparently, Jake Tapper is starting to notice invective and nastiness from people backing BHO in this horse race. /snark

Pardon me while I paste on my faux sneer...
Becoming unhinged? I find it hard to believe that any of this is news to Tapper. After all, he was kind enough to cover our Writers Strike back in March.

... and recite our mantra: "Those hateful, hateful Obamatons are so mean! Down with Kos!" [ed. Tapper was bored and had a news hole to fill.]
He had to have seen the comments and the personal attacks in my call to strike back then.

My followers are savage and legion.
And I'm guessing he's even seen a bit of this sort of thing on his own blog over at ABC.

I believe he reads his comments, even the grammatically crippled ones in ALL CAPS.
He's a seasoned reporter - a top-notch journalist. It's hard to imagine a sharp guy like him saying folks are "becoming" unhinged in this election.

We like him because he said something we like, and hope he will join us in our deranged yowling.

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